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The patent is the exclusive rights to an inventor for an invention in the field of technology for a certain time, carry out themselves, or give consent to another party to carry out the invention.

That meant the Invention is an inventor's idea that is poured in any activity of solving a specific problem in the field of technology, which can be either product or process or an improvement and development of products or processes.


The invention can be patented if the invention

  1. If at the time of the filing of the Patent application, the invention is not the same with the technology previously disclosed;
  2. Contain an inventive step. The invention is something that cannot be predicted for someone who has a certain expertise in the field of engineering;
  3. Can be applied in the industry. The invention can be produced or can be used in various types of industries.


Services Office of the United Patent in the field of Patent           

  1. Consult of the invention can be given a patent
  2. Patent search
  3. Make the Description and claims of the patent
  4. Prepare patent specifications
  5. Create and compile technical drawings and patent drawings
  6. The submission of patent application and Patent Simple
  7. Provide Services of patent documents from English to Bahasa Indonesia (translator swear)
  8. Take care of the payment of the cost of annual maintenance
  9. Take care of recording the transfer of rights
  10. Provide a status report of the latest patent application

Trademark is a sign which can be displayed graphically in the form of image, logo, name, word, letters, figures, composition of colors, in the form of 2 (two) dimensional and/or 3 {three) dimensions, sound, hologram, or a combination of the 2 (two) or more elements is to distinguish the goods and/or services produced by persons or legal entities in the activities of trade in goods and/or services.

The trademark cannot be registered

  1. Opposed to the ideology of the state, legislation, morality, religion, decency, or public order;
  2. The same as, discuss with, or only discuss the goods and / or services for which registration is requested;
  3. Contains elements that can mislead the public about the origin, quality, type, size, type, intended use of the goods and / or services being applied for registration or else constitute the name of the plant variety promoted for similar goods and / or services;
  4. The information is not compatible with the quality, benefits, or efficacy of the goods and / or services purchased;
  5. Has no distinguishing feature; and / or
  6. Is a public name and / or symbol of public property.

Causes the application for trademark registration  can be rejected

  1. Have similarity in principle or in whole with other trademark parties that have been registered in advance for similar goods and / or services;
  2. Have similarity in principle or in whole with a well-known another trademark party for similar goods and / or services;
  3. Have similarity in principle or in whole with other well-known trademark owned by other parties for goods and / or services of the same type as long as they meet certain requirements stipulated further by government regulations;
  4. Have similarity in principle or in whole with familiar geographical indications;
  5. Constitutes or resembles the name of a famous person, photograph, or the name of a legal entity owned by another person, except with the written consent of the entitled person;
  6. Is an imitation or resembles the name or abbreviation of the name, flag, symbol or symbol or emblem of a country or national or international institution, except with the written consent of the competent authority;
  7. Is an imitation or resembles an official mark or seal or stamp used by the State or government agency, except with the written approval of the competent authority

United Patent Office Services in Trademarks & Services;

  1. Search and consultation before submission
  2. Submitting an application, renewing trademark, recording the transfer of rights to a trademark, merger, change of name or address
  3. International Trademark Registration Services through the Madrid Protocol

Industrial Design is a creation of a shape, configuration or composition of lines or colors, or lines and colors, or a combination thereof in the form of three dimensions or two dimensions that gives an aesthetic impression and can be realized in three-dimensional or two-dimensional patterns and can be used to produce an products, goods, industrial commodities or handicrafts.

Industrial designs that can be registered

  1. Industrial designs that have novelty with a record if on the date of receipt of the application for registration of the Industrial Design is not the same as the disclosure of an existing Industrial Design;
  2. It does not conflict with applicable laws, public order, religion, or decency.

United Patent Office Services in the field of Industrial Design

  1. Provide industry design consultations that can be registered
  2. Industrial Design Tracking
  3. Compiling specifications, drawings or technical drawings
  4. Submission of industrial design applications
  5. Recording the transfer of rights and changes
  6. Monitor the development of industrial design requests


The patent is the exclusive rights to an inventor for an invention in the field of technology for a certain time, carry out themselves, or give consent to another party to carry out the invention.

That meant the Invention is an inventor’s idea that is poured in any activity of solving a specific problem in the field of technology, which can be either product or process or an improvement and development of products or processes.


The invention can be patented if the invention

  1. If at the time of the filing of the Patent application, the invention is not the same with the technology previously disclosed;
  2. Contain an inventive step. The invention is something that cannot be predicted for someone who has a certain expertise in the field of engineering;
  3. Can be applied in the industry. The invention can be produced or can be used in various types of industries.


Services Office of the United Patent in the field of Patent           

  1. Consult of the invention can be given a patent
  2. Patent search
  3. Make the Description and claims of the patent
  4. Prepare patent specifications
  5. Create and compile technical drawings and patent drawings
  6. The submission of patent application and Patent Simple
  7. Provide Services of patent documents from English to Bahasa Indonesia (translator swear)
  8. Take care of the payment of the cost of annual maintenance
  9. Take care of recording the transfer of rights
  10. Provide a status report of the latest patent application


Trademark is a sign which can be displayed graphically in the form of image, logo, name, word, letters, figures, composition of colors, in the form of 2 (two) dimensional and/or 3 {three) dimensions, sound, hologram, or a combination of the 2 (two) or more elements is to distinguish the goods and/or services produced by persons or legal entities in the activities of trade in goods and/or services.

The trademark cannot be registered

  1. Opposed to the ideology of the state, legislation, morality, religion, decency, or public order;
  2. The same as, discuss with, or only discuss the goods and / or services for which registration is requested;
  3. Contains elements that can mislead the public about the origin, quality, type, size, type, intended use of the goods and / or services being applied for registration or else constitute the name of the plant variety promoted for similar goods and / or services;
  4. The information is not compatible with the quality, benefits, or efficacy of the goods and / or services purchased;
  5. Has no distinguishing feature; and / or
  6. Is a public name and / or symbol of public property.

Causes the application for trademark registration  can be rejected

  1. Have similarity in principle or in whole with other trademark parties that have been registered in advance for similar goods and / or services;
  2. Have similarity in principle or in whole with a well-known another trademark party for similar goods and / or services;
  3. Have similarity in principle or in whole with other well-known trademark owned by other parties for goods and / or services of the same type as long as they meet certain requirements stipulated further by government regulations;
  4. Have similarity in principle or in whole with familiar geographical indications;
  5. Constitutes or resembles the name of a famous person, photograph, or the name of a legal entity owned by another person, except with the written consent of the entitled person;
  6. Is an imitation or resembles the name or abbreviation of the name, flag, symbol or symbol or emblem of a country or national or international institution, except with the written consent of the competent authority;
  7. Is an imitation or resembles an official mark or seal or stamp used by the State or government agency, except with the written approval of the competent authority

United Patent Office Services in Trademarks & Services;

  1. Search and consultation before submission
  2. Submitting an application, renewing trademark, recording the transfer of rights to a trademark, merger, change of name or address
  3. International Trademark Registration Services through the Madrid Protocol

Hak Cipta

Copyright is a part of intellectual property that has the broadest scope of protected objects, because it includes science, art and literature (art and literary) which includes computer programs. The development of the creative economy which is one of the mainstays of Indonesia, various countries and the rapid development of information and communication technology requires the renewal of the Copyright Law, bearing in mind that Copyright is the most important basis of the national creative economy. With the Copyright Law that meets the elements of protection and development of the creative economy, hoped that the contribution of the Copyright and Related Rights sectors to the country’s economy can be optimized.

A creation that can be protected

  1. Books, computer programs, pamphlets, appearance (layout) of published works, and all other written works;
  2. Lectures, lectures, speeches and other similar creations;
  3. Props are made for the benefit of education and science;
  4. Songs or music with or without text;
  5. Drama or musical drama, dance, choreography, puppetry, and pantomime;
  6. Fine art in all forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, calligraphy, sculpture, sculpture, collage and applied arts;
  7. Architecture;
  8. Map;
  9. Batik Art;
  10. Photography;
  11. Translations, interpretations, adaptations, pastiche, and other works resulting from the translation.

Protection Period

  1. Copyright Protection: Lifetime of the Author + 70 Years.
  2. Computer programs: 50 years since first published.
  3. Actor: 50 years since it was first shown.
  4. Producer of Records: 50 years since the Creation was fixed.
  5. Broadcasting Institution: 20 years since it was first broadcast.

United Patent Office Services in the field of Copyright;

  1. Serve applications for recording Copyright and Computer Programs
  2. Application for Recording of Transfer of Rights, Change of Name and Address, excerpt, copy of letter, license for a Work that is Registered in the General Register of Works.


Desain Industri

Industrial Design is a creation of a shape, configuration or composition of lines or colors, or lines and colors, or a combination thereof in the form of three dimensions or two dimensions that gives an aesthetic impression and can be realized in three-dimensional or two-dimensional patterns and can be used to produce an products, goods, industrial commodities or handicrafts.

Industrial designs that can be registered

  1. Industrial designs that have novelty with a record if on the date of receipt of the application for registration of the Industrial Design is not the same as the disclosure of an existing Industrial Design;
  2. It does not conflict with applicable laws, public order, religion, or decency.

United Patent Office Services in the field of Industrial Design

  1. Provide industry design consultations that can be registered
  2. Industrial Design Tracking
  3. Compiling specifications, drawings or technical drawings
  4. Submission of industrial design applications
  5. Recording the transfer of rights and changes
  6. Monitor the development of industrial design requests

Jasa Hukum HKI

he services provided by Advocat and IPR Consultants in providing legal consultation, legal assistance, exercising power, representing, assisting, defending, and carrying out other legal actions for the legal interests of clients in the field of Intellectual property both civil and criminal in court and outside the court).

Benefits of Legal Services

IPR consultants will provide honest advice about the intellectual property of the applicant, give an opinion on the “valuation” or values ​​of an IPR, whether or not it is appropriate for an IPR application, and give an opinion on the likelihood of intellectual property success being registered based on the discovery of intellectual property which has been there before. Providing legal services regarding obstacles in applying for IPR both at the DJKI office and legal assistance in the Court and Police. 

United Patent Office Services in the field of legal services

  1. Legal services for application for Objection on Trademark Registration which are still published in the official Brand News
  2. Legal services Submission of Disclaimer over objections to Brand Registration Requests.
  3. Legal services for submitting Responses to proposed rejections (hearing)
  4. Legal services for filing an appeal of a permanent refusal of an application for registration of a mark.
  5. Legal services to represent the Courts and Police in the field of IPR
  6. The legal service sends a subpoena / legal warning about IPR
  7. Legal services for drafting and checking agreements on IPR
  8. Legal services Prepare and check license agreements and applications for recording license agreements at the DJKI Office.


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